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          Lithium battery by air the new rules will take effect from April 1, 2016
          Publish:Sino Energy Corporation    Time:2016-06-06

          The lithium battery by air cargo the applicable laws and regulations have been changed. The international civil aviation organization (ICAO) committee has approved a revised its relevant regulations governing the carriage of lithium batteries in technical guidance. The new regulations will come into force on April 1, 2016 formally implemented. The revised new rules include:



          Banning the use of passenger transport lithium ion battery, lithium battery to ban the use of passenger transport no equipment packing goods, so all the lithium ion battery cargo must be transported with a cargo aircraft only label. Because in some areas use UPS passenger transport goods, so the change would limit can provide lithium ion battery transportation service of the country of shipment and destination countries. The limit does not affect with equipment packaging or included in the equipment of the lithium ion battery.

          Charged state restrictions: loads of lithium ion battery core and battery charge (SOC) shall not exceed 30%, including core Section II battery and battery. This provision does not apply to with equipment packaging or batteries included in the equipment.

          Package limit: the sender check every ticket goods Section II in the package (battery) only shall not be more than one.

          Assembly packaging limitations: a set packing Section II contained within the package shall not be more than one - two batteries in 8 battery core or - (battery) only.

          Battery separate deliveries: sender lithium batteries must be goods parts (battery) only with other goods shipped separately.


          To the international air transport association (IATA) web site, understand the changes in lithium battery update file details: http://www.iata.org/whatwedo/cargo/dgr/Documents/lithium-battery-update.pdf.



          Honored guests, more about lithium battery export transportation information, please contact the division of energy.

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