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          Battery technology by leaps and bounds Lithium ion battery is still difficult to replace
          Publish:Sino Energy Corporation    Time:2016-06-03

          Comprehensive report 】 【 high lithium electricity at present, the domestic and foreign scientists spend a lot of manpower and the next generation of batteries, battery technology has obtained the development which progresses by leaps and bounds. It is well known that the lithium battery is currently one of the most commonly used cell type electric cars, is being more and more new energy vehicles. Have told netease auto industry veteran, in the short term market dominance of lithium ion battery or hard to shake. Development of li-ion battery has been praised by the industry attention, and now there is no other path can take the place of lithium ion battery?


          Car companies looking for lithium ion batteries alternative


          It is reported, Toyota and nissan to further enhance the range of electric vehicles, is continuously developing battery technology. Recently, Toyota‘s north American institute announced engineers discovered by using the method of magnesium production battery, to replace the current magnesium electrolyte of lithium electrolyte used in lithium-ion batteries. Toyota believes that compared with lithium, magnesium has two advantages: one is to allow intensive energy storage; Second, the magnesium relatively safer is not easy to cause fire. However, the company said magnesium based chemical battery can be available within the next 20 years.


          Similarly, nissan is looking for a kind of additive, to improve the current performance of lithium battery, to enhance the electric range. Nissan in the battery into the called "amorphous silicon oxide" additives, to improve lithium ion battery energy storage capacity, however, the research and development of technology makes the nissan engineers face great challenge and complexity.


          Lithium ion battery lead is hard to catch up


          Recently the argonne national laboratory, a five-year battery research and development project director confirmed that lithium ion batteries in the short term the market position is difficult to shake, other battery technology extremely difficult to reach the level of the lithium ion battery. This, netease car call hin high-tech power energy, the propaganda minister said zheng-dong hu, power battery industry, lithium battery now both technical parameters and safety coefficient are at the absolute leading position; Industrialization has not been formed in the new material, new technology development, will also be in a long time without; The porch high-tech has been focused on the power battery research and development production, from the beginning of the factory had been involved in the ternary material, go steady mature technical route.


          At the same time, also have different sounds, an industry veteran commentator told netease car, lithium battery is still dominant in the next few years, but with the emergence of alternative energy, hydrogen breakthrough rising, the proportion of metals, lithium battery may eventually be replaced.


          Lithium ion battery still has great development space


          Although, lithium ion batteries in terms of energy density cannot be compared with gasoline, whereas other battery technology to achieve the level of the lithium ion battery is extremely difficult. Well-known car commentator hua-jie ding told netease car, lithium ion battery energy density and life that counts, is other battery can not replace. From the lead-acid batteries, nickel cadmium battery, nickel metal hydride batteries, to the lithium ion battery, the energy density have been continuously improvement. At present, the mainstream is equipped with lithium battery of electric vehicle (ev) mainly includes the lithium iron phosphate batteries and two kinds of ternary lithium batteries.


          Compared to batteries, lithium iron phosphate ternary lithium batteries and in weight much higher energy density, in addition, the ternary lithium battery in the winter low temperature resistance are higher than the lithium iron phosphate batteries. Means that the same weight of ternary lithium battery range is longer than the lithium iron phosphate batteries. Because of the increase of lithium iron phosphate battery energy density space is very small, and the ternary lithium battery and development space, so the future ternary lithium batteries will become the electric car technology trend.

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