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          Is expected in the second half of this year prices basic lithium carbonate
          Publish:Sino Energy Corporation    Time:2016-05-27

          1. The anode material of barriers to entry?


          A: as the anode material itself and there is no one forced entry, main is to look at the factory for factory audit and certification. So, many do the anode materials companies in the country, mostly in small lithium electricity, power automotive li-ion battery cathode material of high technical content, enterprise can do power battery anode materials is not much, can make high-end power of the anode materials is less. On September 7, 2015, the ministry issued the lithium ion battery industry standard conditions, which set up for the new battery factories, factory set a certain production capacity and technical index, is a country of lithium ion battery industry to strengthen the management, guide the industrial transformation and upgrading of a normative documents, had an industry standard and guide effect.


          2. The company high nickel multiple product price?


          Answer: the broad prospects of new energy vehicles has attracted a lot of capital to enter, the future will become increasingly fierce competition, only grasp the high-end material technology, follow the market demand of lithium electricity enterprises have bargaining power. Company is the price of high nickel multiple materials according to the NCA high nickel multiple foreign material price to pricing, so multiple materials are higher than the current domestic power. The current can batch production enterprises of high nickel multiple materials is not much, market demand is larger, more competitive in price.


          3. The current price trend of lithium carbonate?


          A: recently the price of lithium carbonate compared to previous has appeared a trend of highs, we expect the second half of this year prices basic lithium carbonate, not exploded. Recently there is also a media to predict the future price of lithium carbonate will appear a certain amplitude correction.


          4. The company in the development of higher nickel products going?


          A: the company has launched the higher nickel multiple product research and development, pilot line project, later to push forward.


          5. Many companies are now trying to enter the lithium electricity industry, the company how to think about the competition?


          A: good prospects of new energy automotive industry, competition is inevitable. Future only truly grasp core technology, with international and domestic big customers resources, and have modern high-end capacity of positive electrode materials enterprises to become the industry leader. When rise since its establishment is to focus on lithium electricity positive materials, in the past on the small lithium electricity is domestic first by samsung, sanyo and other international certification lithium electricity giant, the positive materials of the enterprises, the anode materials is the first domestic export enterprises.


          In terms of power li-ion battery again now in the top in the industry, take the lead in developing car ride with high nickel multiple materials, technical strength is very strong. At the same time, the world‘s top ten big lithium battery enterprises mostly when litres of customers, the company has a high-quality international customer resources. The company has built in jiangsu when litres of li-ion battery cathode material production base, in technology level, and degree of automation in the domestic leading level.


          6. Why the battery factories are first selected the positive electrolyte and diaphragm material?


          A: on the one hand, the anode materials is the main material of power battery, the energy density of lithium-ion batteries, cycle performance, such as times permeance performance mainly depends on the anode materials; The anode material of lithium battery, on the other hand, the proportion of the total cost of the largest, the higher the energy density of the anode material, the less dosage, matching other materials such as anode, electrolyte and diaphragm material consumption is reduced, so the factory is generally make sure of the anode material, and then match other materials, the use of high energy density cathode material can effectively reduce the cost of lithium-ion batteries.


          7. Battery plant selection standard and selection process of the anode materials is what?


          A: battery factories to choose the standard of the anode materials mainly is to decide according to the requirements of the downstream end users. Such as car companies first determine the new energy vehicles a range of models, such as battery costs, cycle life indicators to battery factories, factory according to the requirement of the auto enterprises matching corresponding cathode materials, anode materials and so on. Screening is the process of repeated test of the battery and the anode material enterprise, audit certification. Factory for automotive power cathode material certification cycle than small lithium electricity, certification standards are more strict.


          8. The anode material cost down space?


          Answer: the company‘s production management level is higher, the raw material consumption is close to the theoretical value, but we also continue to reduce costs through various channels. Such as through process improvement and improve reduce processing costs; Through further improve the level of automation, can reduce labor costs and further improve product consistency, jiangsu when l have revealed the advantage; By broadening the channels for raw material supply, for example, to reduce raw material cost; And we are in the link of the development of new products will give full consideration to the cost of subsequent industrialization problems and so on. We have been doing the work.

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