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          Pay attention to the lithium battery industry (under) - lithium battery can‘t be afraid Has not been included in hazardous waste management
          Publish:Sino Energy Corporation    Time:2016-04-07

          "Lithium ion battery and lithium battery strictly say or is there a difference in concept." China automotive technology research center, chief expert power batteries, battery test and application of technology alliance secretary-general, said wang fang, senior engineers usually refers to the lithium battery of lithium metal or lithium alloy anode, the use of liquid water electrolysis cell. Lithium ion battery rechargeable secondary battery, do not use lithium metal anode, rely on lithium ion in moving between cathode to work. However, in daily life, people used to place the lithium-ion batteries, lithium batteries or lithium electricity for short.

          We have learned, at present, the promotion of new energy vehicles (including pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle) mostly USES lithium ion battery, which accounted for 80%, 90%, lithium iron phosphate ternary lithium batteries are also beginning to large-scale application in passenger car. In view of the network the article points out that the lithium battery is "highly toxic dangerous goods", wang fang has rejected the lithium battery than traditional such as lead acid, nickel, chromium, nickel metal hydride batteries, do not produce any poisonous and harmful heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and material, relatively less pollution. And the electrolyte for organic solvent and lithium salt, most of the non-toxic or low toxic; But the decomposition or hydrolysate for hydrofluoric acid lithium batteries and other fluoride compounds, has certain corrosion resistance and toxicity. He said "lithium battery poisonous", researcher at the institute of China electronics technology group 18 level senior engineer, hao-jie liu said lithium-ion battery itself is not toxic substances, the cathode carbon and metal oxide anode basic is not toxic. Because lithium-ion batteries are seal system, the normal use will not come into contact with these substances. "In any case, the impact is far less than the most widely used lead-acid batteries."

          How long is the lithium electricity? Shallow charge shallow discharge and charge discharge will affect the battery safety and life?

          "Decision power lithium ion battery service life there are many factors, including the characteristics of the system itself, also includes the manufacturing process, operating conditions, etc. High quality battery system, coupled with scientific management system, can achieve a long service life." Wang fang said, according to the capacity decay to 80% as the cut-off condition, according to 100% of the discharge depth test, the current power battery life can reach 2000 basic loops.

          "Charge discharge refers to the battery in the process of charging and discharging voltage exceeds or is lower than specified by the voltage, the battery performance and life will bring harm." Wang fang said, but the BMS batteries in the battery management system will restrict and protection, the low temperature limit for the battery, recharge when heated to proper temperature. Said wang fang, in order to ensure the safety of the lithium ion battery, the battery monomer, module to battery systems have a series of safety protection design, prevent the battery overcharge pass wen, when abnormal timely alarm and protection. Mentioned in the article: once media reports, "tianjin 18 proved by lithium battery in high temperature and high pressure, piercing the impact, overcharge had put almost all projects have taken place in the combustion and explosion".

          In response, the Chinese chemical and physical power industry association secretary general yan-long liu said, the end of May 2014, China electronics technology group institute 18 special media interview, but battery burning explosion occur in the program is in accordance with the requirements of taping, remove the protective circuit, caused by the abuse of the experiments. Main purpose of this experiment is to let users understand the unprotected ternary lithium battery under the condition of the abuse of the dangerous situation that may occur.

          "Lithium ion battery safety theory is controllable, cause safety issue is more in the case of product defects and abuse." Yan-long liu said. "But simple battery monomer, module and system security, not enough to guarantee absolutely safe with a lithium battery electric cars." Ningde era of new energy technology co., LTD. (CATL) chairman li ping is introduced, the current distribution Model - S used the 7104 pieces of panasonic ternary lithium battery, the battery safe protection, including sensors, is controlled by the battery control system, such as extensive use of high strength aluminum alloy material collision protection, etc. In the case of taking these safety design, safety accident probability is up to the one over ten thousand.

          Researcher at the institute of China electronics technology group 18 level senior engineer qing-hua wang also pointed out that at present the electric car battery products on the market the good and bad are intermingled, some manufacturers of battery problems of poor consistency, and the effect of management system play a little, a monomer problems can produce certain effect to the whole life of the battery pack. To this, qing-hua wang suggested the government to improve the corresponding test standard, strengthen the management of the electric car market supervision and inspection.

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